Patexia Alfred Wechselberger’s

Alfred Wechselberger > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

First Name
Last Name
Los Angeles
Country United States  
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: MS  
I am a technically broad electrical and computer engineer who is interested in the intersection between engineering and business, with a focus on cloud and consumer products. I have worked on several side programming projects and am familiar with over 15 programming languages. I have 7 years' experience working in the space industry at a few Fortune 500 companies as an engineer within a larger team and have also worked in a few research labs developing new products. My strengths include market research, concept prototyping and technical documentation. I enjoy solving problems on a daily basis and consistently delivering to customers a solution that fits their needs. I am currently seeking to leverage my technical skills to help businesses better engage with their customers by utilizing their existing business data. Key Strengths: Data processing, database queries, data visualization, spreadsheets, SPICE simulations, rapid prototyping and electronic circuit testing
Department Electrical Engineering  
Focus Product Management  
Skills Semiconductors, Aerospace & Defense, Clean Technology, Optoelectronics, Analog Circuit, Microelectromechanical Systems  

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An Unknown Badge
"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
Some mysteries were meant to be solved. This badge will be revealed when the time is right.