Patexia Stavros Antoniou’s

Stavros Antoniou > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

First Name
Last Name
Electrical & Data Comunications Engineer
Heraklion Crete
Country Greece  
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: MS  
Professional offering 3+ years of experience in the field of electrical engineering and data communications, with professional skills oriented in testing, provisioning, deploying and supporting information technology equipment and associated systems. Works well independently, or in a group setting providing all facets of computer help desk support such as troubleshooting, installations, and maintenance. In-depth knowledge and understanding of numerous software packages and operating systems. Skilled in providing Customer and End-User Help Desk Support. Easily identify and resolve technical issues and concerns. Excellent communication and presentation capabilities. Vastly skilled in system planning and analysis. Ability to adapt and work with composure in a variety of situations and under time pressure. Acknowledged for excellent comprehension and retention, devotion to detail, observance to standards and expert technical background. Talented with strong technical and methodical abilities with an inherent aptitude to evaluate, manage and synthesize data. Practical and creative; adores contests and overcoming difficulties. Specialties: Computer and server hardware, data networks, internetworking applications, MS Windows platform, MS Windows Server platform, Linux platform, Network security, Security Gateways - UTM, virtualization platforms, Audiovisual composition, Network design & evaluation, VOIP platform, Penetration testing, MS Office platform, Web Development (Joomla, Wordpress), Programming (C, Ladder Logic, UML, Python), Protel 99, AutoCAD, Dialux, SMA applications, PVsyst, Singular Logic ERP, Entersoft ERP, MS SQL 2005
Skills Robotics, Computer Networks, Telecommunications, Energy Industry, Solar Energy, Wireless and Sensor Networks, Cyber Security  

Your Rank

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The Join Up Badge
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You earned this badge on April 30, 2015 when you joined the Robotics interest group.
The Two Cents Badge
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The #1 Badge
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The Scholar Badge
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The Consultant Badge
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The Sharing is Caring Badge
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The Early Bird Badge
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An Unknown Badge
"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
Some mysteries were meant to be solved. This badge will be revealed when the time is right.