Patexia Rahul Kushwah’s

Rahul Kushwah > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

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Banting Fellow
Country Canada  
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: Ph.D  
I am a research scientist with a strong background in immunology, virology, molecular biology, autoimmune diseases, lung biology, models of human disease, human embryonic and pluripotent stem cell biology along with human hematopoiesis. Biotechnology/pharmaceutical sector experience includes discovery research along with product validation. One of 23 worldwide recipients of the prestigious Banting Fellowship awarded by the Government of Canada in health research in 2012. Additionally, have completed a certification in entrepreneurship 101, covering different aspects of business development with a focus on biotechnology. • Excellent research and analytical skills: Research has been recognized both at national and international conferences and have been a recipient of several fellowships throughout the course of my career. Additionally, have reviewed manuscripts for several journals in the field of immunology. • Excellent communication skills: Have been invited to present at several national and international conferences and have authored 15 peer-reviewed articles, several peer-reviewed abstracts along with a book and a book chapter. • Leadership skills: Have successfully led several teams with individuals from different institutions on several projects and have successfully executed an idea from start to finish.
Department Stem Cell and Cancer Research Institute  
Focus Human immunology and stem cell biology  

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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