Patexia Ardeshir Zia’s

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Patexia chairman Ardeshir (Ardy) Zia is a senior executive with an outstanding performance record of consistently generating revenue growth. With his expertise in sales and marketing, operations, distribution, human resources, new product development, customer service, and supply chain management, Ardy has developed grassroots companies into world-class operations. As the executive vice president of Minoo Industrial Group, for example, he greatly contributed to the development of a fledgling company to this highest caliber by building the sales and marketing operations, organizing the distribution centers, developing first-class vendor relationships, creating a culture that fostered customer satisfaction, and encouraging training. Further, as the president and CEO of Future Shop, Ltd., an electronics retailer that was listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange, in only 14 years, Ardy, with the help of others, grew the company from $2.5 million in sales and a single store in 1983 into an enterprise with $1.5 billion in sales, over 100 stores and over 5,000 employees in 1997. Ardy’s leadership abilities are also demonstrated by his mentorship throughout his career of many young and “business-green” individuals — many of whom have excelled and are now in senior executive positions, including that of CEO, running multi-million- and billion-dollar companies.

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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