Your Badges | The Join Up Badge For those who show their expertise and interests, the Join Up badge is earned by following an interest group. You earned this badge on April 30, 2015 when you joined the Stem Cells interest group. The Two Cents Badge For those who make their voices heard, the Two Cents badge is earned by commenting on the discussion thread of an article or blog post. You earned this badge on September 3, 2013 when you commented on this item: obviousness.. The Journalist Badge For those in the know, the Journalist badge is earned by posting an article or a link to the Community Newsfeed. The Risk Taker Badge For the bold and daring, the Risk Taker badge is earned by participating in your first Contest. The #1 Badge For top researchers, the #1 badge is earned by winning a Contest. You have not earned this badge yet. Read through our educational resources and the feedback you’ve received from past contests to continue improving your contest performance. The Scholar Badge For those who go above and beyond, the Scholar badge is earned by submitting a non-patent reference to a Prior Art Search contest. The Consultant Badge For expert consultants, the Consultant badge is earned by being hired for a Connect. You have not earned this badge yet. Check out our current connects and find a consulting opportunity that matches your expertise and availability. The Sharing is Caring Badge For the members who spread the word, the Sharing is Caring badge is earned by getting a colleague to join Patexia using the referral link. The Sharing is Caring Badge The Early Bird Badge For those who don't procrastinate, the Early Bird badge is earned by submitting to a contest early, well before the deadline. An Unknown Badge "Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot." - Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange Some mysteries were meant to be solved. This badge will be revealed when the time is right. | |