Patexia Troy Niehaus’s

Troy Niehaus > About Me

Profile Info & Bio

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Director, Business Development
Interests Science and Technology  
Degree: MS  
Troy is currently the Director of Business Development for the IF Acquisitions function at Intellectual Ventures. This role is largely external facing with a focus on sourcing and creating deal flow and new channels in support of our acquisitions roadmap. Troy has held management & sales positions as Managing Director, Director of Sales and Business Development, President, Senior Account Executive, Major Account and Territory Manager. He has worked for Eagle Harbor Holdings LLC, Metronor Inc, Rand Worldwide, Parametric Technology and Eclipse Surgical Technology respectively. He has a solid and consistent history of exceeding performance expectations and sales goals. Troy is an accomplished business operations manager maximizing productivity through efficient design and utilization of resources and human capital. He has notable competencies in Relationship Management, Vendor & Partnership Development, Business Communication, Training and Performance Management. Troy also is a co-owner at OTTER LLC and assists with sales and business development. Troy served honorably as an Officer and Special Agent in the United States Air Force. He established and maintained diverse working relationships with general officers, and top leadership including US Secretary of Defense and foreign government officials.

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"Come, Watson, come!" he cried. "The game is afoot."
- Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the The Abbey Grange
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