Patexia Research
Case number IPR2018-00390

Initiative for Medicines, Access & Knowledge (I-MAK), Inc. v. Gilead Pharmasset LLC > Documents

Date Field Doc. No.PartyDescription
Oct 5, 2018 9 Notice of Refund Download
Sep 11, 2018 8 Petitioner's Request for Refund of Post-Institution Fees Download
Jul 19, 2018 7 Trial Instituted Document Download
Apr 25, 2018 2001 Zeuzem (2009) Download
Apr 25, 2018 6 Patent Owner's Preliminary Response Download
Apr 25, 2018 2013 Our People (2018) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2003 Kaplan (2006) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2010 FDA Approved Drugs (2014) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2005 Bernstein (2002) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2009 WSJ Rockoff (2013) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2007 Tucker (2013) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2011 Kowa v. Amneal Farms (2017) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2008 NY Times Pollack (2013) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2004 Hancock (1997) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2012 America¿¿¿s Overspend (2017) Download
Apr 25, 2018 2006 US Patent 9,340,568 Download
Jan 25, 2018 5 Notice of Accord Filing Date Download
Jan 10, 2018 4 Patent Owner's Power of Attorney Download
Jan 10, 2018 3 Patent Owner Gilead Pharmasset LLC's Mandatory Notices Download
Dec 26, 2017 1008 Ross 645 Download
Dec 26, 2017 1005 Ross 257 Download
Dec 26, 2017 1009 Lieberman Download
Dec 26, 2017 1 Petitioner Power of Attorney Download
Dec 26, 2017 1001 U.S Patent No. 8,889,159 Download
Dec 26, 2017 1003 Sofia 634 Download
Dec 26, 2017 2 Petition for Inter Partes Review Download
Dec 26, 2017 1014 Declaration of Joseph M. Fortunak, Ph.D. Download
Dec 26, 2017 1010 USP Download
Dec 26, 2017 1012 Rowe Download
Dec 26, 2017 1006 ICH Download
Dec 26, 2017 1013 Lawitz Download
Dec 26, 2017 1004 Sofia 2010 Download
Dec 26, 2017 1011 Remington Download
Dec 26, 2017 1002 File History Excerpts Download
Dec 26, 2017 1007 Byrn Download