Patexia Blog
Andy BosyiAug 6, 2014
An Easier Explanation

With you guys working as hard as you do to find the best references, we at Patexia want to make sure we understand exactly what you’re referring to.

The explanations that you and your fellow Contest participants have been providing have been a huge help so far, but we thought we should do better to help our members provide the clearest explanations possible.

With that in mind, we’re clarifying our explanation requirements by adding fields for you to input the three important parts to any Contest answer:

  1. the citation, or where we can find a quote
  2. the quote, or the exact quote from the reference we should be looking at
  3. and the explanation or translation, or why you chose the quote that you did

We’re hoping the new addition can help make sure we understand your answers and give you the maximum number of points you deserve. We hope you agree! Let us know what you think of the new changes.

The New Explanation Window

Thanks again for being an amazing part of the Patexia community and we'll see you around the site!


The Patexia Team

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