Patexia Blog
James McArdleJan 23, 2013
Two new contests

It’s another busy week at Patexia.

We set out our second weekly contest digest, which I suppose officially makes it a thing. There were some new additions this week.

First, we’ve put up the last of our three scheduled commercial use searches. We’re doing a trial run (link) on this particular kind of search and so far the results have been encouraging. This contest is looking for commercial applications of a technology which uses neural readings to predict cardiac conditions.

We’ve also uploaded a new prior art search which is kind of interesting. This one is for a manikin patent (a.k.a. mannequin). It’s looking at the use of strong magnets in the arms. I’m thinking you guys will be able to find something for this one.

In the last of the contest news, the ear warmer contest wrapped up at the end of last week.

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