Patexia Blog
Andy BosyiJul 14, 2014
The new Patent Mining Contest type

Here at Patexia, we say that we’re here to bring transparency to patents and intellectual property. Through our Prior Art Search contests, we’ve weeded out the bad patents from the great ones. Through our Evidence of Use studies, we’ve found out how well the innovation described in a patent is used in the commercial market.

But both of those Contest types focus on applying a patent to the greater IP world. What if you’re in need of a patent in the first place?

Well now Patexia has that one covered.

We’re excited to introduce our new Patent Mining contests. This new type is designed to solicit patents from a variety of assignees with claim language that describe a particular invention.

We’re looking for help from our Patexia community to act as our personal patent shoppers! Read the questions, match it to patents from different assignees that are not expired or abandoned, and use the claims to prove your submission when you enter the Contest.

The key features:

  • Patent Mining submissions are limited to only patents as your reference, which means this is great for those of you who prefer patents!
  • Prizes are awarded based on the multiple sub-contest prize pool distribution, and so that means the more great patents you submit, the more money you can win!

Learn more at our new Introduction to Patent Mining page, and check out the Instruction Level Parallel Processing Contest when you’re ready to start.

Good luck with the new Contest type and we’ll see you around the site!

The Patexia Team

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